Visual Productions refreshes CueCore

Visual Productions refreshes CueCore

The CueCore2 is a lighting controller for permanent installations. The device is completely solid-state, with no moving parts; it is an easy to program and low-maintenance installation control solution that has a minimal power consumption. The onboard ¬large memory allows for storing DMX shows which can be downloaded from CueluxPro or recorded from DMX, Art-Net or sACN. Playback can be fully automated and triggered by various IP based protocols including UDP / OSC / TCP. The support of many protocols makes the CueCore2 a very powerful merging device. All operating and programming is done through its dynamic web interface. The CueCore2 includes a 2-universe licence of the CueluxPro Lighting control software and is now available for order.

Posted on 08/18/2016 by Laserwebshop Home, Other 0 3933

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