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Diode housing to suit 5.6mm laser diodes.
Akai heeft een nieuwe batch van de APC40 MK2 controllers geproduceerd.Nu weer op voorraad!! Tijdelijk bepert tot maximaal 2 stuks per klant.
Regular Kit met First Contact™ Cleaner. De Regular Kit bestaat uit één applicator bottle, twee navullingen en een zak met peel tabs.
DMX adapter 5pin Male to 3pin Female.
The Discoscan Lens is a "electronic mirror ball" for your laser projector. In a disco or nightclub, you often want beams to fill the space, but it is difficult to achieve with the limited scan angle of most scanner sets. The solution is the Discoscan Lens - A super wideangle lens designed specifically for laser projectors.
Diode housing to suit 3.8mm laser diodes.
Pangolins SMPTE timecode TC4000 gives the Beyond software the possibility to send and receive SMPTE timecode signals. This device is USB powered, no external adapter needed.
ILDA-In and ILDA-Through daughterboard voor FB4-SE hardware.
DMX adapter 5pin Female to 3pin Male.